Layout A (with pagination)


Amazon DynamoDB Deep Dive for Developers & DevOps Engineers

Note: Unfortunately due to many technical difficulties didn’t able to completely cover the topics that I wanted to cover, I will make separate video recording for the topics I didn’t able to cover in this video
In this session, we will learn:
1) What is Amazon DynamoDB?
2) How does DynamoDB Work?
3) How to use AWS SDK with DynamoDB? (NodeJs and Boto3)
4) Real-life DynamoDb Use Cases
5) DynamoDb in action with AWS Lambda
6) Common DynamoDb Gotchas and Pro tips
7) Live Q&A & Closing Statements

#aws #dynamodb #learnwithsandip

Feel free to ask your queries in advance and if any specific part I must cover in this live session!

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